Press releases
Welcome to Wihlborgs' press room. All our press releases are published on this page. Press images and logos can be found in our media bank.

Interim report jan-sep 2023: Record high rental income
· Rental income rose 19 percent to SEK 2.912 million (2.447). · Operating surplus rose 22 percent to SEK 2.104 million (1.729). · Income from property management amounted to SEK 1.381 million (1.425). · Profit for the period amounted to SEK 323 million (1.998), corresponding to earnings per share of SEK 1.05 (6.50).
Wihlborgs Q3 2023 ENG
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs wins new construction assignment from Malmö University
Wihlborgs has won the assignment from Malmö University to, in consultation with the university and the City of Malmö, design and construct buildings at the Malmö Amphitrite 1 property, to be leased in the future by the university.
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs invests in energy innovation in Lund
In November, Wihlborgs will start the expansion of a DC network between its own building Alfa 3–6 (Studentkåren 2) at Ideon and Blekingska nationen’s student housing. The project will be completed in partnership with the IT contractor Jonas Birgersson and aims to create an open, independent system for energy distribution and, in time, relief for the existing electricity grid as well as lower electricity prices.
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs’ interim report for Jan-Sept 2023 will be presented on 24 October – invitation to presentation
On Tuesday 24 October 2023, at 7:30 a.m. (CEST), Wihlborgs’ interim report for January-September 2023 will be published. Wihlborgs invites press, investors and analysts to a webcast and telephone conference at 9:00 a.m. (CEST) on the same date.
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs continues to climb the global sustainability rankings
In the 2023 edition of the ESG assessment the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), Wihlborgs was once again ranked at the top and awarded five of a possible five stars.
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs receives Sweden’s first NollCO2 certification for a building containing a lab
The first building in Lund’s Science Village will also be the first lab-equipped building certified according to NollCO2, a certification entailing a net zero climate impact. At “Space” (Kunskapen 1), the choice of material has been adapted for each section and function with the aim of making the building long-term sustainable.
Press release (pdf)
Two food wholesalers choose Wihlborgs property in Helsingborg
On 1 November, the growing Helsingborg company Svensk Foodservice is moving to Rubinen 1 in Väla södra in Helsingborg. At the same time, the produce company GGB Fruit is moving to the same property, which means that total lettings at the property amount to approximately 2,400 square metres.
Press release (pdf)
New member of Wihlborgs Nomination Committee
Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning appoints Johannes Wingborg as a member of the Nomination Committee for the Wihlborg's 2024 AGM.
Press release (pdf)
Interim report jan-jun 2023: All time high operating surplus
· Rental income increased 21 percent to SEK 1,935 million (1,599). · Operating surplus increased 22 percent to SEK 1,389 million (1,135). · Income from property management amounted to SEK 948 million (950). · Profit for the period amounted to SEK 625 million (1,549), corresponding to earnings per share of SEK 2.03 (5.04).
Wihlborgs interim report jan-jun 2023 (pdf)
Pressrelease (pdf)
Wihlborgs acquires property of 3 900 sqm in east Copenhagen
Wihlborgs has acquired the Klædemålet 9, København Ø property, of 3 900 sqm, which is located adjacent to Wihlborg’s existing properties Lersø Parkallé 103-105 and 107.
Press release (pdf)