Press releases
Welcome to Wihlborgs' press room. All our press releases are published on this page. Press images and logos can be found in our media bank.
Notice of the Annual General Meeting in Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB (publ)
The shareholders of Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 24 April 2024, at Slagthuset, Jörgen Kocksgatan 7 A in Malmö.
This press release has been corrected afterwards. Correct information can be found here.
Press release (pdf)
Restaurang Laziza expands to Lund – set to open at the Wihlborgs property at Ideon
The Malmö-based Lebanese restaurant chain Laziza is opening a branch in Alfahuset (Studentkåren 2) at Ideon in Lund. The restaurant will be their first outside Malmö and a new element of the service offering in the tech-rich area.
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs implements Group Management changes
With the aim of increasing operational traction and formally clarifying existing working methods, Wihlborgs is implementing minor changes to its organisation. The changes include the appointment of the Chief Financial Officer and Director of Projects & Developments as Deputy CEOs as well as the establishment of a new business-oriented role, which entails a decrease in the members of Group Management.
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs to build new facility for Dachser in Landskrona
Adjacent to the E4 and E6 motorways in eastern Landskrona (Bilrutan 5), Wihlborgs is set to build a 9,600 square metre facility for the logistics company Dachser. The lease is for 15 years with occupancy at the end of 2024.
Press release (pdf)
2023 Year-end report: Record high operating surplus
· Rental income increased 16 percent to SEK 3,881 million (3,335). · Operating surplus increased 19 percent to SEK 2,763 million (2,331). · Income from property management amounted to SEK 1,747 million (1,861). · Profit/loss for the period amounted to SEK -27 million (2,288), corresponding to earnings per share of SEK -0.09 (7.44).
Wihlborgs 2023 year-end report
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs to modernise premises for Bravida in Malmö
Wihlborgs has signed a new lease with the service and installation company Bravida at Hundlokan 10 in Fosie encompassing 4,400 square metres. The premises are set to undergo comprehensive redevelopment in 2024 with the modernisation of office space and new, energy-efficiency technical installations.
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs modernises for Nordea in Malmö
Nordea is extending its lease at Östersjön 1 on Carlsgatan in central Malmö for ten years. The premises will now be modernised and the layout improved to create an even better customer experience.
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs’ 2023 year-end report will be presented on 13 February
On Tuesday 13 February, at 7:30 a.m. (CET), Wihlborgs’ 2023 year-end report will be published. Wihlborgs invites press, investors and analysts to a webcast and telephone conference at 9:00 a.m. (CET) on the same date.
Press release (pdf)
The traditional office needs upgrading – new study indicates need for a multi-faceted workplace
Growing expectations for a sustainable and flexible work life also open opportunities for employers to create inclusive workplaces that make their business more competitive. This requires upgrading the traditional office so that more employee needs can be met. These are the results of a new AI study carried out on behalf of the property companies Wihlborgs, Fabege and Diös.
Press release (pdf)
Wihlborgs-Fabege-Diös-För allas bästa